This has certainly been a different spring. We sit here on May 28th knowing that my spinach, romaine lettuce, Butter Crunch head lettuce, and my leaf lettuce is now done for the first planting. The subsequent plantings of leaf lettuce, red romaine, and baby romaine are in the ground and should be ready for picking in a week or so.
2012 Broccoli - planted 3/16, ready for harvest |
Above you see the first broccoli (Packman) of the year. There are already side shoots, indicative of the warm and cold weather we have had. Today I interplanted Calabrese and DeCiccio broccoli to take over when the early broccoli is done. The bed is mulched to conserve as well as keep a consistent moisture for the plants. Foliar feeding has been every 2 weeks.
2012 Romaine - planted 3/16, last head of 16 |
This is my last romaine. I must confess that I did not have plants ready by 3/16, but Home Depot did. Keep it well watered and it has not disappointed. The lettuce is very flavor packed and works great in lunch salads.
2012 Onions from seed - growing quickly |
The onions were started from seed. Red and white. I have started the mulching and will continue to add to it. Watering has been almost an every other day task given the gaps in moisture. Onions need consistent moisture to keep them going.
Asparagus - 16 pounds already |
We have 4 4x8 beds of asparagus. Diligence in picking has resulted in a great crop. We are starting to see the asparagus beetle/fly but picking daily and then soaking in cold water drives the bugs off. Grilling has been the choice for prep. My wife is going to try an asparagus soup this week given the cooler weather we have coming in (60's).
As work travel is in the cards this week, I will try and get an update next weekend. Until then, be safe and know where your food comes from.