The berry crop did very well until we got the monsoonal flows of rain. Put up enough red and purple raspberries to get us through the winter. We certainly enjoy them.
The asparagus was good but the early heat prevented us from maximizing the overall crop. Did not freeze any this year as it was appropriate to share with friends.
The kale crop has done exceptionally well with repeat business from harvested plants helping. The brussel sprouts and broccoli were certainly affected by the early heat but seem have recovered well.
Beans were good and the second crop is planted. Peas were iffy but will try for a late crop.
Cucumbers have been very, very good and resulted in sharing as well as putting up 5 quarts of lacto-fermented dill pickles.
Tomato and pepper yields look to once again be down this year due the very wet June/July that we experienced. We might be surprised with the late harvest as lately they seem to be coming on like gang busters.
The onions and garlic are doing great. Harvested the garlic (everything planted last fall produced heads). The onions are still growing and will be harvested in August.
Last but not least the potato crop looks very good. We grew them in wire enclosures this year and had absolutely no issue with potato leaf hoppers. I need to let you know how the yields turned out. Stay tuned.
Off to pull more weeds. That crop has really been a bumper yielder this year.
Later and be safe.