Saturday, January 26, 2008

Well the snow had continued, but it is warmer

Getting up to almost 25 today. Spent most of the morning shoveling snow and roof raking. By 1400 most of the raked roof was already warmed down to the shingles. The downspouts are running and the runouts are clear. Didn't look like much ice dam action but... it will do the roof well to get it open. Probably in excess of 14" on the roof.

The leaf piles continue to shrink and compress. It is hard to believe that with it as cold as it has been that the heat from composting can still be happening. There will be some very good leaf mold in the spring. The compost bins are sill working well and room is still left to keep adding. Again, looking forward to some good compost come spring. Probably will have to do some additional turning and watering.

Sunday will be the day for putting wire around the blackberries and taking a hard look at the reds/purples.

Should be getting cold again later in the week, but until then rain is in the forecast for Monday. Hard to believe that we go from -25 to almost 40.

Spring is coming.

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