Sunday, October 17, 2010

Time to plant garlic

On Saturday (10/16) we planted 75 hard neck garlic (3 varieties).  The bed had already been double dug, a healthy dose of 2 year old compost applied, and the requisite organic fertilizer applied.  It was a quick mix with the Mantis tiller (yes, I really like my little tiller) to get a seed bed that was perfect for planting. Raked the top level and layed out the marker lines.  Five 8' rows with 15 cloves to a row.  My actual planting was 3 rows, 4 rows, and 8 rows of three different varieties.  Punched them in by hand, gave them a quick shot fish emulsion and then finished back filling and tamping.

I also took the opportunity to plant 5 allium bulbs that needed to be moved.  I got these into the big rose bed in back, knowing that they will be a good addition to the bed.  Good moisture and good soil tilth, even after this weird growing season we've had.

We also picked the last of the randomly growing acorn squash.  We got 6 nice squash from a random plant that grew next to an old wood pile.  Don't know why, but it was.

Turned under 2 more beds, the tomato and bean beds.  I am afraid that winter just around the corner.

Still have kale, brussel sprouts, broccoli, lettuce and peas growing.  I suspect that barring a really hard frost, we will be well into November.

Be safe, I will try and get some pictures posted.
