Sunday, November 13, 2011

Still work to do, but the season is short

Just a quick update tonight.  We saw some good rain today.  It held off until early afternoon making for some additional garden cleanup.  The broccoli is final done, it was good.  We are still harvesting kale and will into December.  The brussel sprouts are trying to make it, but they are late, perhaps too late.  My learning is that I need to get them started earlier and give them a little more shoulder room.

Thanks to Selmer Tree Trimming for a load of chips.  We continue to add to the planting bed on the property line.  Can still use at least two more truck loads.  We'll see.

A busy week at work is planned so little additions.

Be safe, it will soon be time for planting seeds inside.


Sunday, November 6, 2011

The end is getting closer

Got a lot of work done in the garden this weekend.  Harvested carrots (very sweet and relatively big), removed asparagus tops (frost had taken care of them), removed spent pole beans and tomatoes from their trellis systems, and turned under 4 beds (double dug the tomato bed).

The brussel sprouts are still growing good and Thanksgiving meal is assured.  The kale continues to hold up well.  Green smoothies are great.

The balance of the garlic was ground and put into the fermenting jar.  Very pungent, but a great way to preserve.

I will have pictures by Thanksgiving.

Be good and be safe.
