Sunday, April 1, 2012

Spring Continues... planting has started

Once again we are at the start of new growing season.  The only real difference is the month that we are starting.  Today, April 1, was actually the second planting in the garden.  We added another row of spinach, 9 romaine lettuce, and 8 bibb lettuce under the temporary hoop house.  I also planted 12 Packman broccoli, and 8 kohlrabi that will have to learn to work with the outside temperature.

The inside plants continue to  progress well with the Oasis Rootcube medium.  I did pick up another one for add-on plantings throughout the year.

Pictures next week.


1 comment:

Carl said...

This has been an unusual (in a good way) winter and spring. I've ordered asparagus. Thanks for the tips on planting.
